Having trained formally as a classical pianist, approaching my professional work from an artistic perspective is something that has been natural, inspired growth, and required careful balance. It’s driven by a desire for continued learning. As the old saying goes: if you’re standing still – you’re falling behind. Such is the case with the breadth of output from the creative community that is ever growing, and the ever changing palette it’s drawn from.
Much of what the artist chases could be boiled down to one word: story. Whether it’s found in the literal words of the playwright, a composer’s harmonies, the arc of a brushstroke, or in the content of a photographer’s frame – storytelling is the center. The ability to effectively bridge these worlds leads to more dynamic communication and engagement across all dimensions of an organization.
If I create from the heart, nearly everything works: if from the head, almost nothing.
- marc chagall
Joining this pursuit of storytelling with compelling and creative communication to meet the needs of an organization is where I find great reward. Each day is an opportunity to explore and share new ideas, grow, and create something unique. And what a wonderful opportunity that is to live.